facil.io - FIOBJ Hash Map API

Hash Creation


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_new(void);

Creates a mutable empty Hash object. Use fiobj_free when done.

Notice that these Hash objects are optimized for smaller collections and retain order of object insertion.


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_new2(size_t capa);

Creates a mutable empty Hash object with an initial capacity of capa. Use fiobj_free when done.

This allows optimizations for larger (or smaller) collections.

Hash properties and state


size_t fiobj_hash_capa(const FIOBJ hash);

Returns a temporary theoretical Hash map capacity. This could be used for testing performance and memory consumption.


size_t fiobj_hash_count(const FIOBJ hash);

Returns the number of elements in the Hash.

Populating and Managing the Hash


int fiobj_hash_set(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key, FIOBJ obj);

Sets a key-value pair in the Hash, duplicating the Symbol and moving the ownership of the object to the Hash.

Returns -1 on error.


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_pop(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ *key);

Allows the Hash to be used as a stack.

If a pointer key is provided, it will receive ownership of the key (remember to free).

Returns FIOBJ_INVALID on error.

Returns and object if successful (remember to free).


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_replace(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key, FIOBJ obj);

Replaces the value in a key-value pair, returning the old value (and it's ownership) to the caller.

A return value of FIOBJ_INVALID indicates that no previous object existed (but a new key-value pair was created.

Errors are silently ignored.

Remember to free the returned object.


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_remove(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key);

Removes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, returning the old object (instead of freeing it).


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_remove2(FIOBJ hash, uint64_t key_hash);

Removes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, returning the old object (instead of freeing it).


int fiobj_hash_delete(FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key);

Deletes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, freeing the associated object.

Returns -1 on type error or if the object never existed.


int fiobj_hash_delete2(FIOBJ hash, uint64_t key_hash);

Deletes a key-value pair from the Hash, if it exists, freeing the associated object.

This function takes a uint64_t Hash value (see fio_siphash) to perform a lookup in the HashMap, which is slightly faster than the other variations.

Returns -1 on type error or if the object never existed.


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_get(const FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key);

Returns a temporary handle to the object associated with the Symbol, FIOBJ_INVALID if none.


FIOBJ fiobj_hash_get2(const FIOBJ hash, uint64_t key_hash);

Returns a temporary handle to the object associated hashed key value.

This function takes a uint64_t Hash value (see fio_siphash) to perform a lookup in the HashMap, which is slightly faster than the other variations.

Returns FIOBJ_INVALID if no object is associated with this hashed key value.


int fiobj_hash_haskey(const FIOBJ hash, FIOBJ key);

Returns 1 if the key (Symbol) exists in the Hash, even if it's value is NULL.


void fiobj_hash_clear(const FIOBJ hash);

Empties the Hash.


Rehashing is usually performed automatically, as needed, and shouldn't be performed manually unless there is a known reason to do so.


void fiobj_hash_rehash(FIOBJ h);

Attempts to rehash the Hash Map.