facil.io is an evented Network library written in C.
facil.io provides high performance TCP/IP network services by using an evented design that was tested to provide an easy solution to the C10K problem.
facil.io includes a mini-framework for Web Applications, with a fast HTTP / WebSocket server, integrated Pub/Sub, optional Redis connectivity, easy JSON handling, Mustache template rendering and more nifty tidbits.
facil.io powers the HTTP/Websockets Ruby Iodine server and it can easily power your application as well.
facil.io is easy to code with and aims at minimizing the developer's learning curve.
In addition to detailed documentation and examples, the API is unified in style and the same types and API used for HTTP requests is used for JSON and Mustache rendering - so there's less to learn.
facil.io should work on Linux / BSD / macOS (and possibly CYGWIN) and is continuously tested on both Linux and macOS.
facil.io supports both single-threaded and multi-threaded operation modes as well as a hybrid mode (multi-process with either a single-threaded or multi-threaded workers).
facil.io is a source code library, making it easy to incorporate into any project. The API was designed for simplicity and extendability, which means writing new extensions and custom network protocols is easy.
I used this library (including the HTTP server) on Linux, Mac OS X and FreeBSD (I had to edit the makefile
for each environment).
#include "http.h" /* the HTTP facil.io extension */
// We'll use this callback in `http_listen`, to handles HTTP requests
void on_request(http_s *request);
// These will contain pre-allocated values that we will use often
// Listen to HTTP requests and start facil.io
int main(void) {
// allocating values we use often
HTTP_HEADER_X_DATA = fiobj_str_new("X-Data", 6);
// listen on port 3000 and any available network binding (NULL ==
http_listen("3000", NULL, .on_request = on_request, .log = 1);
// start the server
fio_start(.threads = 1);
// deallocating the common values
// Easy HTTP handling
void on_request(http_s *request) {
http_set_cookie(request, .name = "my_cookie", .name_len = 9, .value = "data",
.value_len = 4);
http_set_header(request, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE,
http_mimetype_find("txt", 3));
http_set_header(request, HTTP_HEADER_X_DATA, fiobj_str_new("my data", 7));
http_send_body(request, "Hello World!\r\n", 14);
(Written using version 0.7.0)
Starting a new application with facil.io is as easy as downloading a copy of facil.io from GitHub.
To make things easier, a script is provided.
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boazsegev/facil.io/master/scripts/new/app) appname
By default, this script downloads the latest release, which may or may not be what you want.
It's possible to download a specific release or branch, (for example, the latest 0.6.x release, 0.6.4) using FIO_RELEASE
i.e., download a specific release, such as version 0.7.0:
FIO_RELEASE=0.7.0 bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boazsegev/facil.io/master/scripts/new/app) appname
i.e., download the latest development (edge) version from the master
FIO_BRANCH=master bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boazsegev/facil.io/master/scripts/new/app) appname
Sure, why not.
If you encounter any issues, open an issue (or, even better, a pull request with a fix) - that would be great :-)
Hit me up if you want to:
Help me write HPACK / HTTP2 protocol support.
Help me design / write a generic HTTP routing helper library for the http_s
If you want to help integrate an SSL/TLS library into facil
, that would be great.
If you can add Solaris or Windows completion ports support (to be added to fio.c
). This could improve facil.io's performance on these platforms (which currently fallback on poll